Friday, June 12, 2009

I had another attack today

Bernie and I were at the halfway point in our last walk of the afternoon. Across the lake, a foursome of golfers were teeing off, trying to squeeze in a round before it got too dark. A mama duck and her brood of five little ones were climbing up onto the grass under a willow as protective mama. The spraying fountain in the middle of the lake was shushing the day, ushering in evening. A towering cumulus shielded all but the longest rays of the sun as it climbed down the ladder into night. A lizard had Bernie’s attention, but he was firm in his Stay. I looked up and saw the contrail of a heavy on its way somewhere west and took a deep breath.

And the questions poured over me once again. Why me? Why am I alive and not someone else? Who am I now? Who gave me this new life? What am I to do with it?

Then Bernie broke his Stay and dove for the lizard. Thank God. On the walk back to the house, with his excited interest in everything we walked past a few minutes ago, Bernie reminded me that he lives in the moment, not worrying about the past or future. And how wise he is.

1 comment:

  1. Have you seen "Seven Pounds" with Will Smith? It is one of the most powerful, profound movies I have seen in a long time. Why you?

    Because you're a good person.

    That's why.
